Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Saturday Morning Lowes Build and Grow

Lowes Build and Grow events are FREE!

April 24th - building project: Bird Feeder 10am - 11am

May 1st - building project: School House 10am - 11am

From project basics to giving your child the opportunity to say, "I built it!", our Build and Grow kid's clinics are a great way to help build confidence! Bring the kids into any Lowe's store and build a FREE wooden project. Each participant also receives a free apron, goggles, a project themed patch, and a certification of merit upon completion of their project.

Saturday Morning Crafts

Where: Education Station in the Mall

When: April 24th, May 1st, May 22nd

10:30 - 12pm

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Eden Drive-In Movies April 16th - 18th

Gates open @ 7pm. First movie starts @ 8pm.
Admission: $5 for adults, $2 for children 6-11, Free for children under 6
First Movie: Why Did I Get Married Too? PG 13
Second Movie: Clash of the Titans PG 13

April 19th Earth Day Event

Earth Day Earth Craft
Studio 107
5:30 - 6:30pm FREE
This event is for children Pre-K to K accompanied by a parent.
Learn how to make an environmentally friendly deer deterrent wind chime and learn what makes them so special.

April 20th Earth Day Events

Tuesday Morning Strolls
Meet @ Martinsville Parks and Recreation Office
9am - 10am FREE for all ages
Learn about nature & Lake Lanier while you walk.

Earth Day Presentation
Henry County Administration Bldg, main boardroom
1 - 3pm. FREE for all ages
Learn how to help the environment through green practices during this interactive presentation.

Hike and Craft
Philpott Dam Overlook
5 - 6pm FREE for all ages
Collect materials for a craft during a brief hike at Philpott Lake. Learn what you can use from your own yard to make great crafts. Light refreshments will be provided.

April 21st Earth Day Event

Natural Art
Frank Wilson Park, Stone Shelter
5:30 to 7pm Ages 4 and up $5
Register by April 16th 634-4185 or
Create natural art @ Frank Wilson Park

April 23rd Earth Day Event

Screen on the Green
Frank Wilson Park
Games and activities start at 7pm; movie starts at 8pm FREE for all ages
Bring your family to the park for an outdoor, box office movie. There will be food, drinks, and games.

April 24th Earth Day Events

Earth Day 5K
Registration is 9am, race starts at 10am
Martinsville Parks and Recreation Facility, 746 Indian Trail Rd. 9am - noon
$20 registration

Earth Day Festival

Jack Dalton Park
1 - 4pm FREE for all ages
Great food, games, and prizes

Starry Night
Jack Dalton Park
7:30pm FREE. Ages 10 and up
Find out what's in the night sky. Participants will learn how to navigate around the sky and locate some of the more common objects.

April 18th Earth Day Event

Black Bears of Virginia

Frank Wilson Park, Stone Shelter

7:30 - 8:30pm FREE for all ages

Hands on specimens, informational aids and the 30 minute film, "Seasons of the Bears" will be presented. This includes an informational presentation by a local park ranger.

April 17th Earth Day Event

Friends of Philpott Environmental Expo

Philpott Lake Park Overlook,
1958 Philpott Dam Rd.

1 - 4pm Free for all ages

There will be demonstrations and educational displays by area organizations. Demonstrations include fly tying, Casting for Kids, kayak information and more.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Martinsville Jazz Band playing @ PAA

Thursday, April 15th 9:30am

Saturday, April 17th 4-8pm @ Fontaine Baptist Church

Spring Festival & Concert

4-8 PM
Our Spring Festival and Concert will have something for everyone.
For the adults, we will be hosting a special concert by Pier 19, starting at 6:00 PM. Pier 19 is a contemporary Christian band, specializing in a great blend of well-known worship songs and originals. Their sound ranges from a traditional slow worship style to ”the pop or up-beat rockin’ tune”. They have recently released their first album, “Through the Sound.”

For the kids, we will feature various activities and crafts including face painting, a cupcake walk, balloons and a giant bounce house!
For everyone, we will be grilling hot dogs and serving cold drinks.
Come and join us on April 17th for our Spring Festival and Concert!

For more info: